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Manchester, United Kingdom

Service station
Sales office

Strategically located in one of the largest industrial cities of the UK, our service station is also close to major transport networks. Our services include roll inspection (Bühler rollDetect); fluting and grinding (for milling, feed, oil and brewery needs); roll and quick pack service, sieve tensioning service, repair and exchange; 

full upgrade and refurbishment of Leybold Optics vacuum coating equipment; service and maintenance functions for our entire product range; local stocks of consumables, wear and spare parts. Thanks to a customer-orientated approach, and our proximity to local market, we deliver tailored and rapid responses.


Facts about Manchester Technical Service Centre

~ 35
Highly skilled employees are dedicated to engineering success, with a high quality of service at all stages
Ready to help
at the Technical Service Centre
We are available to support all of your customer service requirements.
searching for solutions
We are continually working with our partners and customers to find innovative and efficient solutions to promote growth and success.

How to find us

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How to find us

Manchester, United Kingdom


+44 161 866 2810

8-9 Mecureity Park, Mecury Way
