Resource efficiency

Saving resources and working toward a better world

Resource efficiency

Saving resources and working toward a better world

Meeting the nutritional needs of a growing population means not only finding new sources of sustenance, but also improving efficiency in food production. Today, over 30 % of the food we produce is lost or wasted – along with the energy it contains.

Bühler aims to reduce waste, energy, and water in its customers’ value chains by 50%. It continues to develop technologies, processes and partnerships that make a significant contribution to tackling these issues.

R&D for resource efficiency

Resource efficiency is about achieving more with less, and we strive to develop processes and solutions to do that. We invest 4-5% of turnover in research and development every year, helping us to find new ways of meeting our ambitious targets.

Saving water

Agriculture accounts for around 70% of freshwater use and is a significant contributor to the worsening global freshwater crisis. We are committed to developing technologies that reduce the water used – and wasted – in food production. 

Solar solutions

Solar power is a key renewable energy source. Some 75% of the world’s silver paste used in solar panels is produced with the use of Bühler machines. And, buildings with glass coated using Bühler processes also require up to 50% less energy for heating and cooling.

Saving 50% of energy waste and water in our customers’ value chains is an ambitious target we can only reach together with our customers.

Ian Roberts,
CTO Bühler

The pasta process with the new Ecothermatik as the core equipment.

Ecothermatik pasta dryer

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