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Value Nutrition Academy - Food & Feed Industry

Exchange ideas. Gain experience. Become process experts. Expand your knowledge.

Welcome to our Value Nutrition Academy, your premier destination for specialized training in food and feed processing and cutting-edge Extrusion Technology.

Whether you're looking to enhance your knowledge of pasta, noodles, cereals, snacks, alternative proteins, or pet food production, our team of experienced extrusion technologists and technicians are here to guide you. We also specialize in feed milling, premix, and aqua feed training.

Additionally, our experts can assist in optimizing the drying process for a variety of foods, making it more efficient for industrial purposes. Join us at our Application Centers for hands-on workshops or request customized training at your own sites to take your food processing skills to the next level.


Facts about our Value Nutrition Academy


Visitors every year
We receive more than 200 students from over 50 countries.

3 - 5 Days

Training in small groups
Time for theoretical and practical training, personal exchanges and also networking.


Training facilities around the world: Switzerland, China, Singapore, USA.
Learn all you need to know about food and feed extrusion and animal fees. Gain practical experience from lab-scale to industrial scale with the latest machines and digital solutions.

How to find us

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Contact our course coordinator

VN Academy

Timothy Krugh


+41 71 955 12 09

Gupfenstrasse 5