How to produce high-quality semolina

A good cleaning process is key to producing premium semolina from durum wheat, for pasta and couscous. It is also important to establish the right milling process. We offer technology and advice to achieve both.


How to produce high-quality semolina

A good cleaning process is key to producing premium semolina from durum wheat, for pasta and couscous. It is also important to establish the right milling process. We offer technology and advice to achieve both.

Durum wheat is dense and high in protein and gluten. That is why it is ideal for making semolina for pasta. It is also used in Mediterranean and North African bread. But it is important to get out the specks – to separate the bran from the semolina – and this takes a special process.

We can help you do so. Our solutions start with the process design and installation. Test new recipes in our global application centers.


Applications and commodities


From milling machines to digitalization

Our durum wheat milling process is customized to every plant. It includes roller mills, plansifters and purifiers – all designed for high yields and a top level of food safety. Add our plant automation and digital services to help increase yields and efficiencies even further.

The Bühler process

Efficience in every step of production

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