The Bühler India Startup Challenge


Innovate, Collaborate, Transform!

4th October, Bühler Bengaluru
Application deadline : 11th August

The Bühler India Startup Challenge


Innovate, Collaborate, Transform!

4th October, Bühler Bengaluru
Application deadline : 11th August

Our mission is to identify groundbreaking innovations from dynamic startups that can tackle specific business challenges in the food and feed value chain. We aim to create synergistic collaborations between these innovative startups, Bühler and the industry ecosystem, fostering an environment of mutual growth and success.

Prashant Gokhale S., Managing Director at Bühler India

Why Participate?

  • Innovate with Impact:  We are on the lookout for growth-stage startups. If your startup has a novel technology poised for high business impact, we want to hear from you.
  • Collaborative Growth:  By participating, you’ll have the opportunity to work closely with Bühler, ensuring your innovations are implemented where they are needed the most.

What will you benefit from?

The best startups will have unique opportunity to work on the proof of concept with our team to industrialize the solution and become part of Bühler innovation ecosystem

Access to our application centers, resources, know-how and business expertise
Stronger relationship through a joint R&D, a commercial relationship or a joint venture
Overall value of the support will be up to INR 20 Lakhs
Key challenges

What are we looking for?

  • Technology to check the quality of raw materials and products in the food processing value chain at either machine or plant scale
  • AI and data analytics solutions to improve the food processing value chain
  • Digital twin technology for secondary operations in food processing 
  • Digital solution that measures operational efficiency at industrial scale
  • Traceability solution to track raw materials from farm to machine
  • Solutions to improve grain/food quality checks
  • Spectral imaging solution to analyze input and output quality for sorting or roasting
  • Advanced solutions for a feedback system in the bakery value chain
  • Sensor technology to detect contamination during grain milling and help us enhance food safety and quality
  • Sensor technology for determining the shelf-life of processed grains and help lead the future of food processing
  • Sustainable, scalable, and user-friendly sorting solutions for grains
  • Innovative solution for downstream value addition in pulses and wheat milling, such as bran stabilization and husk recovery etc
  • Solution that saves energy & reduces carbon footprint during milling
  • Innovative solution for measuring, optimizing, and controlling pre-set quality operations
  • Efficient drying and sieving solutions for hygroscopic flours
  • Innovations for large-scale, cost-effective production of cell-based products
  • Technology that can be adapted to fermentation and cell proliferation
  • Innovation for building and maintaining efficient bioreactors and production facilities
  • Reducing the energy footprint of cellular agriculture production processes.
  • Solution to improve the purity of cellular agriculture products
  • Efficient downstream technology that can be implemented for cell-based products

This opportunity is for you if you are

  • A growth-stage startup that have market ready solution
  • Looking to validate your solution with Bühler expertise
  • Ready to scale-up your solution at industrial scale in food and feed industry
  • Developing an innovative solution for any of the four challenges or you would like to transpose your solution to any of the above challenges in food and feed industry
  • Developing a scalable prototype only for Future Food Technologies



If you are a DPIIT recognised startups located anywhere in India and are at growth-stage or validation stage (only for future food technologies), this opportunity is for you.

Relevant Industry

If your solutions can be implemented for food and feed processing or food biotechnology and bioproccessing, this opportunity is for you.


You will fit the opportunity if your technology/solution solves the key challenges in food processing value chain, has high potential to scale up for industrial applications and has a robust business model.


Take up the challenge

If you have read this far, we know you are creating an impact in food and feed industry with your innovative technology.

Instructions to fill the Application Form

  1. Please fill the technical solution description in following order:
    - Problem Solved
    - Detailed Technology
    - Offered Solution (Product/Service)
    - Additional Information
  2. Pitch Deck: Maximum of 8 slides preferably covering problem, proposition, business model, market size, competition, key milestones, IP, Team, envisaged collaboration with Buhler
  3. Please share only non-confidential information at this stage
  4. Provide the contact information for the key person involved in the challenge and the founders