Food, feed & confectioneryAdvanced materials
Learn how to use your flowsheet to improve your mill. We discuss the underlying principles of the flour milling process. How to adjust your machines to get the best yields and how to handle your mill. How to get the best from your production line using different raw materials and milling processes. But this isn’t just theoretical training.
You spend two days in Kansas State University’s fully operational Hal Ross Flour Mill. Learn how to improve cleaning, conditioning and milling techniques. You also have access to some of the latest milling machines for a close-up look at how they work.
Solid working experience in a flour mill. This course is well-suited for production managers, head millers and experienced shift millers.
Department of Grain Science and Industry
Kansas State University
102 IGP Building
1980 Kimball Avneue
Manhattan, KS 66506-7000 USA