Digital Services Manager, Switzerland

Dennis Vanin

A journey of personal and professional fulfillment

I began my career at Bühler with a commercial sports apprenticeship, which I completed in 2018. While pursuing football and studying for a Bachelor's in Business Analytics in the USA, I stayed connected with Bühler and completed two summer internships in Uzwil, Switzerland. In my final semester, I seized an opportunity at the headquarters and have been working as a Digital Services Manager since February 2024.

During my apprenticeship, I appreciated the opportunity to pursue my passion for sports. Bühler provided full support for my goals outside of work, which I found incredibly supportive and motivating. Being in an international setting at a young age was enriching and enjoyable, contributing to a well-rounded experience overall.


How Bühler fuels my professional growth and development

Bühler has been instrumental in my professional growth. It supported my athletic ambitions during my apprenticeship and provided me with two valuable internships during my studies. Additionally, the internal trainings, such as agile project management and public speaking skills, have consistently enriched my skills and knowledge. These opportunities have been pivotal in shaping my career development at Bühler.


Varied stakeholder interactions allow me to work with diverse teams, leverage cutting-edge technology, and drive customer satisfaction and business growth.

What I do as a Digital Services Manager and what I love about it

As a Digital Services Manager, I am responsible for the ongoing development of our group-wide digital services. I work closely with the IT department to create the best possible digital solutions for our customers, ensuring their needs are met with innovative and efficient services. One aspect I particularly enjoy is the close collaboration with various stakeholders, which is both interesting and rewarding. Varied stakeholder interactions allow me to work with diverse teams, leverage cutting-edge technology, and drive customer satisfaction and business growth. The dynamic nature of digital services keeps me constantly learning and adapting, which I find both challenging and fulfilling.


Why an apprenticeship at Bühler is a game-changer: my top reasons to join

I would highly recommend an apprenticeship at Bühler for several reasons. Firstly, you build lifelong friendships in a supportive environment. Despite its size, Bühler has a familial atmosphere that fosters a sense of connection. The apprenticeship exposes you to different areas of the company, offering constant learning and new experiences. Bühler's well-designed program and the people who support you along the way make it a truly rewarding journey.


Open, honest, and supportive: the culture at Bühler

The company culture is open, honest, and fosters good communication. Colleagues are open-minded and diverse, creating a supportive environment that encourages growth. There's a strong sense of patience and support that helps everyone navigate and excel in their roles.


How I master work-life balance

Outside of work, I prioritize a balanced lifestyle by engaging in my passions and spending time with loved ones. Football is a significant part of my life, providing relaxation and physical activity. I value quality time with my girlfriend, family, and friends, which brings me joy and fulfillment. Socializing with work colleagues strengthens our team dynamic outside of work, and I enjoy traveling to explore new places for inspiration and growth.



Starting my career at Bühler as an apprentice was a great experience.