Head of ITP department, China

Yan Chen

From assistant engineer to department head

In 2009, shortly after graduating from university, I began my career at Bühler as an Assistant Engineer supporting the Die Casting (DC) R&D team. In those early years, I had the privilege of contributing to the Manufacturing Logistics (ML) prototype production of Ecoline, which set the foundation for my journey at Bühler.

After two years in R&D, I transitioned to manufacturing, where I embraced new challenges and opportunities. Over the past 15 years, I've worn many hats, including Sourcing Engineer, Team Leader of Total Synchro, and now, Head of the Information, Technology and Processes (ITP) Department and Process Manager of Bühler Wuxi, China.

My career with Bühler has been marked by continuous learning and growth, enabling me to develop a diverse skill set and contribute to various facets of the company. Each role has offered unique experiences, shaping my career and reinforcing my commitment to innovation and excellence.

How Bühler has supported my growth and development

Bühler has been instrumental in shaping my professional outlook, providing unparalleled support and opportunities for growth. Here’s how Bühler has made a difference:

  1. Diverse opportunities: Bühler has allowed me to explore various roles, topics, and projects, broadening my expertise and enriching my career. This diversity has been key to my development, enabling me to gain a well-rounded understanding of the industry.
  2. Trust, tolerance, and patience: Bühler’s culture of trust and patience has given me the time and space to grow at my own pace. The company’s tolerance for learning curves has been crucial in building my confidence and honing my skills.
  3. Professional training and coaching: The comprehensive training and coaching system at Bühler has been exceptional. I have received personal instruction and guidance from all my bosses, ensuring that I am well-equipped to take on new challenges and excel in my roles.

Bühler’s commitment to my professional development has empowered me to achieve my goals and continually grow in my career.


From supply chain to ITP: turning challenges into successes

Reflecting on my time at Bühler, there are several standout moments that have defined my journey and showcased the company's unwavering support and innovative spirit.

One significant experience was my transition from Supply Chain to Total Synchro (TS). I was initially unsure about my ability to handle the new role when my boss assigned me a project to optimize a flow line. Through her guidance, I learned to define tactics, balance workloads, and implement the one-set-flow concept in assembly and sheet metal. Participating in this process built my confidence and proved that tackling new challenges was entirely within my capabilities.

When I moved to ITP, I discovered a new technology - Robotic Process Automation - during a company visit and recognized its potential to significantly enhance office efficiency. With the support of my boss, I initiated a trial despite initial skepticism from colleagues worried about job displacement. The pressure was intense, but my boss's trust and encouragement empowered me to persevere. Overcoming doubts, I successfully demonstrated RPA's benefits, leading to its adoption in approximately 12 processes across Bühler Wuxi, with more departments embracing this innovative solution later.

These experiences at Bühler exemplify a culture that encourages growth, embraces innovation, and supports employees through challenges. They have been instrumental in shaping my professional journey and reaffirming my commitment to driving positive change within the company.

These experiences at Bühler exemplify a culture that encourages growth, embraces innovation, and supports employees through challenges.

Thriving through teamwork

Reflecting on my journey at Bühler, I've come to realize that our successes are deeply rooted in teamwork. Whether it's driving efficiency projects, introducing innovations, or implementing continuous process improvements, collaboration across departments is critical. These achievements are shared victories, propelling the company forward together.

On a personal level, I've had the privilege to celebrate significant milestones in my professional growth and development, thanks to the support and mentorship I've received at Bühler. Each success has contributed to the company's advancement  and strengthened my skills and professionalism.

At Bühler, success is more than individual accomplishments—it's about the collective effort to innovate, collaborate, and grow. I look forward to continuing this journey of achievement and making a positive impact within our dynamic team.


Safety and inclusion

Safety is paramount at Bühler, where we prioritize the well-being of our employees through stringent regulations, ongoing training, and continuous monitoring across all management levels. Our commitment to safety extends to empowering all team members to actively engage in enhancing workplace safety through continuous improvement initiatives.

Inclusivity is equally fundamental at Bühler, where diversity is celebrated, and equal opportunities are championed. As a global company, we collaborate closely with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, ensuring everyone enjoys equal rights and opportunities. This inclusivity is evident throughout our operations, including on the shop floor, where female employees excel as top performers in our workshops.


Adventures in learning at home as well as work

In my spare time, I find my greatest fulfillment spending quality time with my family, especially my six-year-old daughter. Watching her develop skills and explore new interests is a source of immense joy for me. Together, we embark on adventures in learning, where she often becomes my teacher, imparting lessons she's picked up from books, cartoons, and school.

Our shared hobbies, including camping, traveling, and art projects, strengthen our bond and create cherished memories. We even tackle homework together, engaging in friendly competitions to improve skills like handwriting.

Maintaining this balance ensures that both my family and I recharge when needed, stepping away from work to relax and unwind together. At Bühler, this harmony between personal fulfillment and professional dedication allows me to thrive in all aspects of life.

Safety is paramount at Bühler, where we prioritize the well-being of our employees through stringent regulations, ongoing training, and continuous monitoring across all management levels.