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Great quality, whatever the scale
Founded more than a century ago, Spoetzl Brewery is the oldest independent brewery in Texas, with a mission statement “to bring enjoyment to the world” through its handcrafted fine beers. The company now distributes more than 6 million cases of its Shiner beers across the US.
For almost a quarter of its lifetime, Spoetzl has been in partnership with Bühler, most recently on a large-scale modernization project designed to incorporate the very latest automation technology and improve the brewery’s grain handling and sanitation. The project encompassed a full Bühler grain handling system, including malt and grits intake, as well as a larger mill and improved weighing, storage and dust control.
Bühler commitment is always to offer custom solutions and flexible equipment to allow brewers to make exactly the beer they want. It needed to employ a variety of grain transfer methods to get the grain to the new brewhouse, while keeping the older brewhouse – built in 1995 – in operation at the same time. This means that the company can now brew “out of a 400,000 pound silo or a 50 pound bag”, according to Assistant Brewmaster Greg Hybner, ensuring that both its large-scale and craft operations produce the finest possible beer.
Bühler’s trademark gentle conveying methods have also resulted in far lower breakage levels for Spoetzl’s malt, as well as longer machine lifecycles, and help to ensure consistency across the brewery’s processes. “From grain handling all the way to milling, it’s consistent,” states Greg Hybner. “So that helps us in getting a consistent product out.”
There’s not a one-size-fits all so you have to be able to bring in somebody that’s going to work with you, and get the technology and the equipment that you need custom built for you.
Jimmy Mauric,
Brewmaster Spoetzl Brewery