Proactively prepare your grain dryer for the next harvest. With our Bühler service packages, you can ensure smooth operation of your dryer at all times.
For clean ambient air
When drying corn, corn fluffs of the exhaust air can adversely affect the local environment. Counteract this and ensure clean exhaust air with a bee wing separator.
Optimize your drying process
With DryMate you achieve a consistently high quality during the drying process: drying close to the target moisture, operator-independent high product quality, maximum process transparency and minimum operating costs.
Safe drying process
Timely maintenance of your dryer will ensure that it runs smoothly from the beginning of the harvest right through to the end.
Refresh knowledge
This training will refresh the practical knowledge of your employees, enabling them to make the best possible use of your grain dryer.
Prepare your personnel now for optimal dryer operation during harvest. In addition to essential theoretical knowledge, the course participants learn optimal dryer operation through practical exercises on a dryer.
Prepare your personnel now for optimal dryer operation during harvest. In addition to essential theoretical knowledge, the course participants learn optimal dryer operation through practical exercises on your dryer.
Secure your exclusive service package now