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Servicing mixers, refiners and conches

3 days
Uzwil, Switzerland
Maintenance engineers and technicians in the chocolate production industry
English, German

This course will cover the operation and function of our chocolate mixers, refiners and conches.

Topics in this hands-on course include:

  • Machine settings
  • Maintenance of your machines and repairs
  • Hydraulics and pneumatics
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Roll wear and damage
  • Retrofits of the machines we manufacture

At the end of the training, you will be confident in diagnosing and fixing faults and handling repairs for your chocolate mixers, refiners and conches.

This course is aimed at people who perform technical maintenance work in the chocolate production industry.

  • Training documentation
  • Practical demonstrations with machines and services
  • Electrical and mechanical adjustment training
  • Accommodation for three days, transport to and from your hotel to Bühler Uzwil
  • Jointly taken meals

Dates & Booking

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More about this course

Uzwil, Switzerland

Customer Service Expert Team

You will be introduced to the latest machine designs and features, presented by our specialists in each area.

Uzwil, Switzerland

Process and Automation Experts Team

Experts from each of the critical processes will help you to explore machine and plant automation options.

Uzwil, Switzerland

Service Technician Team

Our service technicians will share practical tips on service and maintenance that you can try out with the group.

How to find us

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Contact our training expert

Assistant Application Center

Seraina Kaegi


+41 71 955 1783

Gupfenstrasse 5
9240 Uzwil